Saturday, October 10, 2020


15th September 2007, Panjim, Goa:-

            It was the hearing of the final verdict of the Julia D'mello rape & murder case. The 18 years old Pandit twins were sitting biting nails behind the defence lawyer Mr. Rahul Chauhan, a well-known lawyer of Dehradun. There was a latent hostility in the silent courtroom. All the heads were focussed on the earnest judge scribbling on his notepad. A dusky girl around 15 years of age, arranged her black-rimmed loose glasses over her wretched eyes, was desperate to hear the verdict in her sister's favour.

 The antisocial silence was broken by the judge, "The court hereby announces Raghav & Rana Pandit to be non-guilty in the context of lack of evidence & liable eyewitnesses. Also, the court orders Jennifer D'mello to be sent to a rehabilitation centre for her mental & social well being until she's adult. The court is now adjourned." Jennifer was shattered & furious. She fervently​ went over to the evil Pandit twins & growled, “You shall pay for your sins.” The Pandit twins mocked at her hostility & walked away leaving her miserable.


24th December 2016, Panjim, Goa:-

            Rana Pandit was honoured for the best website designing firm "Designing Pandits". Pandit brothers had now become successful website designers. While Rana was receiving awards, Raghav was busy bagging big deals in New York.

The fair, tall & dynamic Pandit was washing his hands in the Gents washroom admiring himself in the mirror with pride, "Not bad Rana, you are still very handsome & attractive." Just then an attractive figure came out of one of the toilet cabins. To his astonishment, it was a sleek, dusky & fashionable young girl, clearly in her mid-twenties. He had mixed emotions on his face of astonishment, confusion & embarrassment. The girl caught his look & explained, "It was urgent & I couldn't have handled it longer so I got in the Gents' washroom. I'm so sorry to disturb your conversation with yourself." Both of them looked at each other & laughed out loud. Rana was impressed by the girl's social confidence. The girl introduced herself as Jenny, an aspiring writer who had come there for a literature conference. They exchanged a flirtatious conversation & a single conversation gave them all the reasons to spend the Christmas week together in Goa.

 Every dream has to end & so did this. They exchanged their numbers, hugged each other & parted ways with fond memories & a weird sense of sadness.

 Rana thought it to be the best chance to invite Jenny to Dehradun for the grand success party that they threw. To his greatest happiness, Jenny had agreed to be there. He was physically in the party but mentally his desperate eyes were searching for Jenny. Raghav read the desperation in his twin brother's eyes & consoled, "Hey brother, relax she'll be here soon. Now stop being a sad soul. Enjoy this party & go get yourself a drink. I'll check out the poolside whether everyone's got drinks & food. You join me there." Raghav was greeting everyone when a pair of soft hands closed his eyes from behind. Raghav turned back to look at a dusky girl in a sleek floral dress with her wavy open caramelized hair. It was Jenny. Raghav came forward & hugged her tight. He recognized it was Jenny from the snaps that Rana had shown him. Jenny felt awkward with his touch & pulled herself. Confusion was printed on her face. Raghav gave a flirtatious look, "Hey gorge…" Before Raghav could complete his words, Rana popped up, "Jenny! You are finally here. I had been waiting for you for ages. What took you so long?" Jenny was shocked to see two same faces & the three of them laughed at her folly. Rana introduced them. Jenny & Raghav shook hands with each other. Raghav gave a long kiss on Jenny's hand & greeted, "It's a pleasure meeting you Jenny." Jenny pulled her hand away from Raghav's. She smiled awkwardly at him. Raghav had stars of lust in his eyes for Jenny. And probably Jenny had sensed it.

 During the entire party, Raghav was finding chances to get closer to Jenny in some or the other way. But Jenny was smart enough to understand Raghav's intentions. She kept herself busy with Rana & his friends. Raghav's lusty plans were crushed when Jenny was not found in Rana's bedroom after the party got over. Jenny had made a permanent space for herself in Rana's heart instead.

 Rana completed his breakfast early & left the house before Raghav was even up. Rana picked up Jenny from her hotel in his new Mercedes. Jenny broke the surprise of her new book & that she was there until she finishes it. Rana beamed with joy, "Are you kidding me? What a pleasant surprise! I'm so delighted." 

Jenny, "But I can't be staying here in the hotel for so long. So, first of all, find me a new home." 

Rana, "I've got a perfect place for you." And Rana vroomed his car through lush green forests.

“So this is your new home,” remarked Rana, standing in front of a beautiful small bungalow amidst the lush green hills. Jenny was happy, “It’s beautiful. I’m really glad that you brought me here. It’s the perfect place for my book.” And she leaned forward to hug Rana. A current passed through Rana’s body. He was just awestruck or should it be said love-struck.

After roaming about the city the entire day, Jenny picked up the luggage from the hotel & drove back to her new home. Rana dropped Jenny, "Hey see you tomorrow for dinner at the Pandit Mansion. There's a surprise for you. And we won't be meeting tomorrow. I have got a very important meeting at the office." Jenny stated, "No worries. I'll manage it. Moreover, I need to unpack & set up my things so even I shall be busy. So bye. Good Night."

 The next day was difficult for both Jenny & Rana. Rana was nervous for he had decided to propose to Jenny. Rana rushed home after a daylong work & checked on the arrangements. Raghav was burning with jealousy inside, seeing Rana getting committed to someone. But he chose to show Rana that he was very happy. Jenny looked ravishing when she reached the mansion for dinner. Raghav was getting increasingly attracted to Jenny. Jenny was beamed to see such romantic arrangements, "Wow! It's beautiful. What's the occasion?" Rana came forward to escort Jenny, "What's the hurry? There's an entire evening to reveal, isn't it?" The three of them proceeded for the dinner where they giggled over the Goa incidences. As soon as the dinner was over, the attendants served three of them the dessert wine with Jenny's favourite chocolate mousse. Raghav stood up, "I raise this toast to Rana & Jenny. Cheers!" Jenny looked at Raghav & then at Rana, "What's going on Rana?" Rana stood up from his chair & went towards Jenny. He got down on his knees & opened a plush velvet box with a diamond solitaire studded ring inside, "Jenny, will you accept me as your life companion? I promise to be yours all my life until death does us part." Jenny had tears of joy in her eyes. She stood up from her chair & bent on her knees to hug him & rejoiced, "Yes!" And they had their first kiss. "Ahem!" coughed Raghav. "There's someone else too in the room if you two must know." The new lovebirds arose & laughed. They excused themselves from the place & Raghav was left all alone in the room. A volcano of fury ravaged in Raghav & he was getting more demonic.

 The next day Raghav announced a big project & handed over to Rana so that he remains busy all time. Jenny & Rana who met every day now started meeting hardly once in 3 days, which reduced to once in a week. Raghav took benefit of the prevailing situation & visited Jenny at her place. Raghav opened the door with the duplicate key he had. He was dressed in Rana's clothes & perfume. He quietly entered the room where Jenny was typing on her laptop. Raghav hugged her from behind & started kissing her neck. Jenny was startled & stood up, "Rana!" Raghav pulled her in his arms tight & kissed her. Jenny was disgusted by his behaviour. By his clothes & perfume, Jenny thought him to be Rana. But from his actions, Jenny realized he was Raghav dressed in Rana's clothes. She pushed him away & gave him a tight slap. Raghav was startled by this, "Jenny, we are engaged. What the hell are you doing?" Jenny barked, "No, Mr. Raghav Pandit we are not engaged. Do you think you could fool me by wearing Rana's clothes & perfume? But you shall never be able to wear his heart, you devil. Get out of my house before I throw you out." Raghav got furious at this. He couldn't control his anger. He clapped his hands, "Wow! Rana has played his game very well. But do you even know his intentions? You are not the only one whom he has brought home like this. Before you, there were many more. Before you, we have shared a lot of girls. Wow! What nights those were! Threesome nights! And we shall even share you." And a big tight slap came around his cheek which left a red palm imprint on his face. Jenny barked, "Get out!"

 Jenny started crying, her cries getting louder & louder, feeling deceived. She decided to confront Rana right away. She dialled a call to Rana & yelled, “I want to meet you right now, period.” Before Rana could speak she hung up the call. Rana rushed at her house. The door was wide open & Jenny was sobbing sitting in the corner of the room. Rana rushed towards her & hugged her in concern, “Jenny, what’s wrong?” This time Jenny knew from the hug that it was Rana. Jenny pushed Rana away, furiously. Rana was scared, “What happened? Tell me what went wrong. I’m sorry I’m not able to give proper time to you due to my work but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you.” Jenny grunted, “Prove it that you love me. I don’t believe you.” Rana stood up & sighed, “Fine! I’ll prove it to you. But you will have to promise me you won’t leave me after that?” Jenny nodded.

 Rana drove Jenny to their secret hideout which no one else knew except the twins. They used to hide there for days together. Jenny was shocked, "What is this place?" 

Rana, "This is our secret hideout where we brothers used to hide when we committed something wrong and when we wished to hide from the world. No one else knows about it but now you know." 

Jenny was silently watching him. 

Rana, "Jenny I need to tell you something about my past. We brothers were under the trial of rape & murder of an escort named Julia D'mello. We were guilty & we knew it & her sister was a witness to it, who filed a case against us. That girl being an escort plus a drug addict it was easy for us to get a clean chit. After that, we made girlfriends for benefits & used to share them. But that started decreasing as we grew mature enough to understand that it was wrong. Till today we regret the incident that happened in Goa. Jenny, I promise I have changed. I love you & shall remain faithful to you." Jenny was silent & choked. 

Rana held her, "Jenny, say something. What went wrong?" Jenny gathered the courage to reveal the incident, "You must be regretting what you did but your brother doesn't. He wants me to be a shared toy-girl. Since day one he had been trying to come close to me. The project was given to you purposely so that you remain busy with it & he could take that benefit. He came to my house today dressed in your clothes & perfume. At first, I couldn't recognize but with the way, he held me & misbehaved I realized it was Raghav. He groped me. Tell me, Rana, am I going to see the same fate?" Rana was enraged with fury. Rana dropped her at her place & vroomed in fury to his own. 

 Jenny was crying her heart out clinging the photo frame in her hand, “I’m sorry. I’m in love with him. And I can’t lie to him anymore. I want to spend my entire life with him.” She packed the photo frame in her bag, locked the door & immediately headed towards Pandit Mansion.

 The Pandit Mansion was flooded with ambulance, police vans & a lot of media. Jenny's heart started pounding. She rushed into the mansion. The forensic people were clicking the body's snaps. She was choked. She let out a big cry, "RANAAAA!" and ran towards the body but the cops stopped her. She started shouting over everyone out there, "Where were you all when this happened?" Just then the officer-in-charge Mr. Rizwan Sheikh came to her, "May I know your identity ma'am." One of the attendants responded, "Sir, she is Rana sir's fiancee." Jenny snapped, "I know that scoundrel. Raghav is the murderer. I wish I’d been there earlier. It might have made all the difference. So all I can tell you is why he was murdered." Rizwan was shocked, "Ma'am are you in your senses?" Jenny nodded, "Yes officer I am in all my senses. I am filing a case against Raghav Pandit." Rizwan agreed, "Fine. Officer, note down her statement & file a case against Raghav Pandit. We shall issue his arrest warrant tomorrow morning. For now, let us complete our proceedings."

 Jenny walked back to her house with a volcano of emotions in her heart - hatred, anger, revenge. She was now firm to punish Raghav at any cost.

 Rizwan filed a strong charge-sheet against Raghav Pandit. But the only issue was that Raghav Pandit was missing with his gun. In the context of the case his passport was surrendered so there was no chance for him to fly abroad. All the check posts, railway station & bus stations were under surveillance. Jenny was shattered yet firm to find Raghav. She was typing over her laptop & jotting down all the incidences that happened in past months when she remembered the secret hideout that Rana took her to. Not wasting another minute she called up Officer Rizwan, "Hello officer. This is Jenny, Rana's fiancee. I probably know where Raghav is." Rizwan hung up the call & immediately set out with his force with an arrest warrant in his hand. He picked up Jenny from her place & Jenny guided him through the secret hideout. Her guess was right. Raghav was lying miserably in the corner of the room with empty bottles of rum & bent spoons around him. He wasn't even in the condition to walk. He was arrested immediately.

 15th September 2017, Dehradun Session's court:- 

            Raghav was presented guilty of killing his brother Rana Pandit. Jenny's negative testimony was noted. Raghav had destroyed the gun, in the absence of which they needed an eye witness to punish Raghav. 

The next thing that happened blew Raghav's mind. Feroza, their head attendant was an eye-witness to the entire incident that happened in the Pandit Mansion. She hid with the fear of being caught by Raghav but the news against Raghav gave her the courage to reveal the incident.

             Rana shouted as soon as he entered the mansion, "RAGHAV! Where are you? Come out you..!" Raghav came out of the barroom in a drunk state. He was heavily drunk, "Hey my brother. You are a traitor! You ditched me for that cheap girl." Rana shouted with fury, "Shut up! Don't you dare speak ill of her! You are the traitor. You groped your brother's fiancee. How cheap you are! We made a pact of not doing all of this ever again & you broke that pact. I hate you brother. You keep your business, your mansion with you. I'm leaving this place forever. I don't want to live with such a cheap person." Raghav barked, "No one talks to me like this. Not even you Rana. I'm elder to you. You need to obey me as you did every time." Rana snapped, "Grow up Raghav! My obedience to you all these years had been my greatest mistake which made me an animal like you, but not anymore. I want to live my life peacefully. Goodbye Raghav!" Raghav was at the peak of his fury & adrenaline gushed in his blood. He took out the gun in his pocket & shot him right in his heart, "NO ONE LEAVES ME WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!" Raghav had given a holiday to all the attendants at the mansion. Not a soul was around to hear the gunshot. Rana fell dead on the floor, the carpet flooded with Rana's blood. Raghav saw that & he realized what he did. It was nearing midnight & the other shift of staff members was about to come. Raghav fled away.

 Raghav was punished with non-bailable life imprisonment & a heavy fine to the victim. As soon as the trial was over Jenny went over to Raghav and smirked, "Jennifer D'mello finally made you pay for your sins." Raghav suddenly noticed the black-rimmed glasses that she had worn. And all he could recall was the scene that happened the same date of the same month 10 years back.

 Jennifer visited her sister’s grave as soon as she landed in Goa. She kept a bouquet of white tulips & sighed, “Today you shall finally rest in peace.” And Jennifer was lost in desolation again.



1 comment:


               "Get your hands off, of my makeup kit!" screeched Shahna, as she entered the room with two steaming cups of latte. ...