Sunday, October 4, 2020



            The clock struck 10 am and I hopefully looked at the watch & then at the door. All I wanted to hear was a doorbell. The college was over & job hunting had begun. But before I could get my kind of job, I was all free and it was like a long vacation. Unlike every day, I woke up at 7 restless & eager.

I was having my breakfast cereal & going through the morning news. Just then the doorbell rang. Not allowing anyone else, I rushed towards the door to open with a desperate heart. Against my expectation, it was my best friend Ishika. I said wryly "Ishika what are you doing this early morning, you jobless fellow." Ishika was aware of my restlessness & eagerness as she was going through the same. Ignoring my words, Ishika said "Shut up, Swara! I have been under this condition since I woke up. So I thought to come over your place & divert my mind." Ishika knew it was a wrong place to divert the mind, only it would get worse. My mom invited Ishika in, "Swara, let her in!" Mom served her the cereal & both of us were sitting over the dining table with a pin drop silence. Not a word from both of us. All we could hear was the clock ticking. All of a sudden the clock had as if tempered down. All we could do was wait. The doorbell rung but this time none of us stood up from the place.

My maid Basanti broke the silence, "Swara baby apka courier aaya hai." And we jumped from our places to get the courier ignoring what my maid had just called me "Swara baby" which annoys me.

Ishika and I had participated in a lucky draw round for a 5 days Kerala trip to Munnar & Eleppi. And we were eagerly waiting for the air tickets to arrive this morning. Our wait was finally over. The tickets with the itinerary had come. We were overwhelmed with joy.

  It was the day of departure for the much-awaited trip and we were at Kochi airport already, waiting for our teammates. As per the instructions, all of us were supposed to wait near their bus that was bannered "Exotic Travels". After the team leader Mr. Anil Pathak arrived, all of us got seated in a bus, which was quite luxurious.

We could see all age people, few young couples & a few old couples. It seemed as if we were the only ones without a partner. But there was one guy who was traveling solo. Quite handsome yet too preoccupied within himself. We could just pass a smile to each other while getting the seats. We introduced ourselves to the other members & everyone shared each other's stories. The older couples were friendlier than the young couples as they were too preoccupied with each other. But that solo traveller also didn't utter a word, not that we were even interested.

Westwood Riverside Garden Resort, Munnar was our destination. We were helping ourselves to get down the smaller attaché from the head rack when its belt got stuck. We were about to call the helper just then that solo traveller offered his help, "May I help you out?" Both of us turned around with an affirmation in our looks. Ishika instantly replied, "Yeah, Please!" I nudged her & gave her a big-eyed stare. Ignoring me, she continued talking to the guy, "Thank you so much. That's very kind of you!" And the solo traveler seemed to be a nice & genuine fellow, "Oh! That's completely my pleasure!". 

All of us stepped down from the bus & gathered near the reception area. Ishika & I were on a debate whether that guy was genuine or was it just a show-off, with Ishika being on his side. Our debate was broken by that solo traveller who was following us, "Ladies your room key. I thought to collect it for you," acted the guy sweetly. This time I was the one to reply to him, "Thank you very much. But this was not needed. We can help ourselves with that." Ishika nudged me before I could say anything, "Swara, don't be so rude. He's just being kind." Turning towards the guy, "Sorry, for my friend's behavior, she's just being cautious." The guy replied sweetly, "Not a problem lady. I didn't take that at all." I could just not digest his extra sweet & caring nature. The guy continued talking sweetly, "By the way my name is Arush Sinha, and I am an aspiring photographer. I'm out on an assignment." Ishika responded "Wow! That's pretty interesting. We are just on a casual vacation before we get busy with our jobs." The guy got more interested, "Oh! What kind of jobs are you girls looking for?" Ishika, without noticing me and ignoring my boredom, continued to talk, "Swara is a journalist & a writer. And I am an interior designer. And..." I had to intervene, "And we can talk later after getting fresh. I'm tired & I need to get a shower & some tea. Right Ishika?" And I gave her a look of leaving. The guy behaved well mannered, "Oh sure! Let's proceed towards the room." We started walking towards the lift while he was all the time with us. Fortunately, our rooms were on different floors.

The room was already equipped with our luggage. 

We showered & freshened up. It was already tea time & we were earnestly hungry. We got ourselves masala tea & some toasts. All the time Ishika was busy convincing me that at least I should be nice to that guy if I can't trust him. And I promised not to be rude. We chose a table where an old couple was sitting. The view from the diner was too exotic to miss. I loved the lush green landscape with a small river flowing. I was all into nature when the silence was broken. It was none other than Arush, "Hello Ladies! what a pleasant atmosphere, isn't it !?" As promised to Ishika, I prevented being rude to him by smiling at him though not so happy to feel his presence. The tea time was fascinated by Arush with his adventure stories. They were too adventurous to be true.

It was already  6 and Munnar being a hill station got darker earlier. Munnar has an all year round cool atmosphere. So the trip leader asked us to spend our time nearby or in the hotel as per our wish. We chose to roam around the hotel area & explore. Arush was an obvious company. He was as if an all-time personal bodyguard with us. I chose to remain happy rather disgusted with his company and Ishika was undoubtedly very happy with his company. If it were not for my best friend, I wouldn't have even allowed him near us.

By the time we spent the rest of the day together, I started accepting his company. While I was just accepting his company, Ishika was just getting addicted to him. It was as if she was willingly falling for him despite my warning to her. 

The next day was going to be hectic. We equipped our handbags with a water bottle, sanitizer, fresh wipes, some chewing gum, napkin, make-up kit, etc. It goes without saying, Arush was with us since we got down for breakfast. We visited a tea garden, Anamudi peak, Condiment garden, and Attukal waterfalls. We returned to the resort by dinner time. As the dinner was yet to be served, I chose to freshen up & Ishika chose to spend some time with Arush. I noticed their growing interest in each other, so I chose not to be a grandma & allow them their private time.

Dinner time was fun. All of us were seated together on a big table. And Arush was "The man of the show." He entertained all of us with his adventure stories & jokes and unlike the usual time, I was enjoying it too. All of us dispersed after the dessert & headed towards our rooms. Arush fulfilled his usual ritual. He intended to take Ishika on a walk but Ishika too seemed to be tired after a long day's travel.

             The next day we were supposed to go to photo point & shopping for spices & condiments. It was as if in no time Arush got close to us or should I say closer to Ishika. Cupid's arrow was struck to Ishika & Arush and it was showing its gradual effects. Looking at Ishika's growing interest in Arush, I decided to watch over her from a distance. I don't know, whether it was their absent-mindedness or foolishness that none of them enquired about each other's background & family. Ishika chose to sit beside Arush during our journey to Kottayam. And I chose to sit alone, to get some self-time.

Kottayam was a city near Ellepi known for its backwater rides. We reached Kottayam & checked into our hotel  The Windsor Castle in the evening.  

While traveling, we had overlooked it was the festival of Diwali, but the voice of firecrackers made us revive the wonderful festival. All of us were engrossed in enjoying the different crackers & the love birds were engrossed with each other. In all of this fun & firing, no one noticed a rocket that flew into Ishika's scarf that was half lying on the floor. Just at the spur of the moment, Arush noticed it​ & threw away the scarf from her shoulder. I ran towards her and hugged her tight. She was so disturbed. It was time we decided to call it a night.

The next morning was afresh. We had plans for a backwater ride and a visit to Uapathiyar kovil temple & some shopping time. Today I chose to give Ishika & Arush some privacy, thinking maybe their relationship could take a serious turn. I was busy entertaining the oldies and keeping a watch secretly over the new rosebuds. I had never thought that my vacation could be spent with a couple of oldies rather than my best friend. Nevertheless, I was happy for her. And for me, I got out of my cautiousness towards Arush.

We were to leave for Kochi early in the morning the next day. It was quite late & Ishika hadn't returned to the room. I got worried & was about to go & lookout for her & the doorbell rung. To my relief, it was Ishika. I snapped, "Thank god madam, you are here. You seem to have forgotten that you are on a vacation with me & not with that photographer." Ishika replied with a simple smile, "Oh come on Swara, don't be so possessive!" The word possessive made her silent. I nudged her & raised my eyebrow to ask her what happened. But she successfully wore a mask of happiness. I sensed something was fishy but leftover to Ishika to tell me the tale. She got into her nightwear & started all the stories from morning till evening. All I could hear was Arush, Arush, Arush. Though she told me the entire day's story I thought there's something she's hiding from me.

The next morning we had our breakfast early & set out for Kochi. After yesterday's private time with Arush, Ishika seemed to be a little disturbed rather than be happy. And I could sense that. But before I could comfort Ishika, Arush didn't leave Ishika for a minute. As soon as we reached Kochi, Arush & Ishika flew away without informing me. I got to know from Mr. Pathak that both of them wanted to roam privately. This was quite disturbing for me. Ignoring the disturbance & the turbulence going on in my mind, I wanted to concentrate on my trip. A weird feeling had stimulated in me & I decided to take shower. I couldn't even eat my lunch.

As I reached the floor lobby, to my astonishment I saw Arush heading towards his room. I gave him a loud call and rushed towards him. Arush acted very normally as if nothing had occurred, "Swara, may  I help you with something? You seem to be tensed?" I asked worriedly, "Where's Ishika? Isn't she with you?" Arush simply replied "No, she departed from the place we went long back. She said she was not feeling well. I told her that I'II accompany her to the hotel but she chose to ride alone. And I had important personnel to be met. She should have been an hour ago." I scorned at him, "You chose to leave her alone in such a stranger city and being least concerned whether she reached or not!?" Arush’s expressions remained the same & replied calmly, "Swara, stop being panicky and tell me what happened!? Did Ishika tell you something!?" I was appalled by his carelessness, "How could you act so calm! Ishika was with you & I have not been able to talk to her since morning. Her phone is switched off & now she is missing. And all you've got to ask is everything fine!? A big round of applause for you Mr. Arush Sinha." Arush's expressions turned from being normal to be tensed, "Swara, I don't know where Ishika is. She told me she wants to be left alone. I thought you guys must have had an argument. She seemed disturbed all the time. So I chose to leave her alone." The story was difficult to be digested. I knew Ishika very well. She would never go anywhere alone without even talking to me once. My mind was racing with thoughts and suddenly Arush intervened, "Listen Swara. Don't panic. We'll find her together. Tell me where she could go when she's disturbed.”

We left right away for churches & temples nearby where we could find Ishika. The entire evening went into finding Ishika. We found her nowhere. I felt helpless. A continuous prayer kept on in my mind to God. Just a hope remained, a hope that my telepathy reached Ishika. I was under constant prayer and Arush had to intervene, "Swara you must be hungry. Have some food Ishika shall return." I was in no mood of scolding Arush despite a volcano of anger erupting in my mind, "Arush, how can I eat anything when my best friend is missing. Moreover, we have a flight to catch tomorrow morning." Arush consoled me, "Swara, don't worry about Ishika. She'll be alright. Listen if she doesn't return by tonight, I promise I'll bring her back. You proceed to the airport with others so that no one suspects that Ishika is missing. I'll bring her with me to the airport. Nothing will happen to her." I just couldn't digest his patience.

It was 10 PM already. We were walking towards our rooms, being on the same floor. Suddenly something struck my mind, "Arush, can I accompany you to your room? I won't be able to sleep as it is." For this Arush had no words and no reason to deny. He got silent for a while to which I suspiciously asked, "Arush, is everything fine? Is there anything you wish to tell me?" It was as if something went wrong but he managed to break the silence, "No. Everything's fine! Come in!" To our astonishment, we saw a figure sleeping on his bed. I rushed to see who it was. Mixed feelings arose in my mind, feeling of relief as well as a feeling of care. Ishika was lying there. I turned to Arush to expect a reply, "Arush, what is she doing in your room?" Arush went blank. He had to think of something, "Umm..., I'm unaware of that. I was with you all this while. See I told you she would be safe & sound. Listen Swara you are also tired. Go get fresh & sleep. I'll take care of Ishika." I denied, "No, Arush I can't leave Ishika in this state. I won't leave her. I'll be with her tonight." Arush tried to convince me, "Swara, trust me. If anything goes wrong I'll call you. Be dependable Ishika is safe with me. You go & have some sleep." After a long discussion, Arush convinced me to go. I went to my room finally and got fresh. I got into bed. I felt tired though not sleepy. All I could think was Ishika. After battling my thoughts, I decided to sleep in Arush's room with Ishika.

I headed towards Arush's room. I was about to ring the bell when I heard something fall. The next moment got me goosebumps. I could hear Arush yelling, "Listen, you are mine Ishika & only mine. I won't ever let you board tomorrow's flight. I'll drug you heavily that the attendants won't let you board that flight." And Ishika seemed to be struggling through his hard grip, "Please Arush, Let me go. I won't tell anyone. Let me go. I don't love you." I was utterly shocked by this & just could not get hold of my senses. The room key fell from my hands making a sufficiently loud sound in the silent corridor. The sound of the key brought me back to my senses. The voice from the room was stopped being heard. I quickly collected my room key & fled to my room. Before Arush could notice I was listening to his talks I was already in my room. My heart was pounding heavily. I could not think of anything. All my senses were paralyzed.

There was a silence in the room. The clock was ticking & so was my heart. I could not digest what I had just heard. I had to outsmart this psychopathic photographer to free my best friend. A feeling of anger & pity arose in my mind for Ishika. "Foolish girl, Ishika! I told her to be cautious. Look what problem she has got herself into", I thought to myself. I could not think of any plans to free my best friend. Then gathering all my senses & courage I decided to go to Arush's room before anything else happens.

I reached Arush's room, but before I rang the bell I tried hearing the talk in the room. All I could hear was my best friend beg. I rang the bell, & it was time to show Arush my acting skills. As soon as Arush opened the door, I hugged him. "Oh, Arush! I'm not able to sleep, I'm hungry & feeling lonely. Please let me stay here with you", I acted helpless & sad. Just then Ishika exclaimed with confusion & astonishment, "Swara!?" I acted happy & relieved, "Ishika! I'm so glad that you are alright. We'll have our dinner together now. Right, Arush?" And I looked for confirmation towards Arush. Arush was trapped, he had to affirm. Arush was perplexed, "Yea sure Swara." Confusion reflected in his voice. I hugged Ishika with happiness & whispered in her ears, "Don't panic & don't react. I will get you out of this situation." I winked at Ishika without Arush's notice. I turned over to Arush, "Arush could you please order something for us?" Arush affirmed & dialled to room service for some food. Ishika looked sheepishly at me with guilt written all over her face. I could see she held back tears in her eyes which made me furious over Arush. I was not sure what step I would take further or there was no plan running in my mind. With Arush's presence, we couldn't talk & I was even sure now Arush would not leave us alone knowing that Ishika would burst out everything. Ishika was still under the effect of the drug & so she felt drowsy all the time. She was just half awake. To gain Arush's confidence I asked Ishika to go off to sleep, "Ishika you still seem to be weak. Why don't you go off to sleep so that you may wake up fresh in the morning?" Ishika understood my gesture, "You are right Swara. I'll better sleep. I don't even wish to have any food." Ishika seemed confident & safe with me by her side. As soon as Ishika went off to sleep I turned towards Arush, "How long will it take to deliver our order?" Arush acting good & gentle, "They said 30 minutes. You want to order something else?" I nodded with a no. I was blank & had no idea how would I save Ishika from this monster & now me as well. I wanted to search for the drug that Arush used to drug Ishika but how? For that, I had to send Arush out of the room for sufficient enough time but I knew Arush would never leave two of us alone. I had to browse for a quick escape plan in my journalist's mind. I was browsing in my thoughts when Arush called out, "Swara? Swara? Are you alright?" He must have called out for more number of times. I acted concerned, "Yes I am completely fine. Rather I'm not. My head is just bursting. Do you have anything to calm this throbbing? Any pain-killers?" I looked at him in pain, thinking if this is working with him. He seemed to be thinking over something & after a pause, he reciprocated, "Yes. I have got a pain killer with me. I'll bring one for you." He stood up to fetch the medication from the dressing room. I just wanted to check the place where he had kept the medications. And I was successful in my first step. He came out with a small tablet along with the water bottle. The first rule of journalism says, (umm... doesn't matter the rule number, basic knowledge also says) "never trust your enemy". I wanted to divert his mind so that I don't have to take the medication. I had already worked over the second step before I came into the room. I had texted Mr. Pathak about the situation we were into & asked if he could help us out. To my expectation, he had replied positively. I was waiting for his gesture when Arush's phone rang. He turned around to answer the call & I got the time to throw the tablet & drink water. It didn't take me long to learn that it was Mr. Anil Pathak who had called him. I just heard Arush saying, "Yea sure Mr. Pathak, come over." He hung up the call & turned towards me, "It's Mr. Pathak. He sounded concerned. He said he needed some help. I hope u don't mind I called him here?" I assured him, "No, not at all." He gave me a smirk & asked, "So how's your headache?" I acted to be still in pain, "Just had the medicine. So I guess maybe it will take some time to subside. It may be because of the hunger & stress." Arush was about to say something when the doorbell rang. Arush went to open the door. It was none other than Mr. Pathak. He welcomed Mr. Pathak to the room, "Please come in Mr. Pathak. How may I help you?" Mr. Pathak acted to be apologetic, "I'm sorry to disturb you this late. But it was really important." We glanced at each other. I replied, "No. Not at all. We would be glad to help. Right Arush?" After a pause, I acted as if there was a bang in my head, "Uff, this throbbing!" Arush had to agree, "Yes I shall help you out. What is the matter?" Mr. Anil Pathak expressed his gratitude, "Thank you so much Arush. I was packing my bag & the chain got stuck with the lock. I'm not able to get that out. Could you please help me with that? Tomorrow we have an early morning flight to catch." Arush got reluctant. He didn't want to leave me with Ishika. He stammered, "Bbbbut… I cccan't.. leave them alone. You understand?" I asserted, "Arush you must help him out. We shall be fine." He argued further, "No. Ishika is lying in bed plus you are also not feeling well. I can't leave you two alone." Mr. Pathak insisted, "I won't take much of your time Arush. Besides, Swara is adult enough to take care of herself & her friend. Isn't it Swara?" I affirmed, "Yes Arush. That's very kind of you to be concerned for us but be free to help him. Besides, this throbbing headache is killing me. So by the time our food comes I was thinking about having a nap. I'm suddenly feeling very drowsy. You go ahead." I saw a shrewd smirk arousing on Arush's face as if he was sure of this, "You surely go off to sleep Swara. You need it. I'll go & check on Mr. Pathak's luggage." I laid in the bed before Arush left so that I can assure him that I'm into the drug effect already. Arush readily left with Mr. Pathak. As soon as they left the room I jumped from the bed & went to the dressing room. I browsed through his bags to search for the box of medicines. Luckily I found one box full of medicines. I opened to find a lot of stripes. I snapped out my phone to check out the medicines he had. I was aghast to see heavy dose antipsychotics. This person was clinically psychopathic. I was dumbstruck with the fact I had just learnt. My thoughts started racing.

I had to make an escape plan but first I had to get Ishika out of here. I rushed to Ishika, "Ishika... Ishika... Wake up... We've got to go.." Ishika was still very weak. She woke up & weakly walked with me to the room. I asked her to rest & drink water as much as possible to remain hydrated & come out of the drug effect. I instructed her carefully, "I have to make a plan until we leave from the hotel for the airport. Get into the washroom, take shower, get into your fresh clothes & pack up. Wait for my call. Don't get out of the room until I cue you to. Most of all don't panic." Ishika nodded in affirmation.

I rushed to Arush's room as I had to reach before he does. To my luck, I reached there before he did. I was just working over arranging the pillows under the comforter when the doorbell rang. I skipped my heartbeat. The doorbell rang again. I gathered all the courage & walked towards the door to open it. I opened the door & to my relief, it was the room-service person with the food. The room service guy politely said, "Your food ma'am. This is the last order. Enjoy your food ma'am." I signed the check & smiled. The guy left. As soon as he left there was a beep on my phone. It was Mr. Pathak's text, “Arush is coming your way. He is fully drunk. Handle him.” Mr. Pathak had appeared to be an angel to us. The clock struck 1 AM & our flight was at 8 AM. I quickly took two tablets from his collection of tranquilizers & tried to dissolve it in the Coke. Just then the doorbell rang, it was Arush. He was very drunk. He slurred, "Hey Swara. You are still awake? That man Mr. Pathak is a man. Heh heh heh." And he stumbled. I supported him & checked up on him, "Are you okay? The food is here already. I was about to call you." He spun his arm around my shoulder, "Oh come let's eat our last dinner together Swara." I felt sickened by his gesture. Suddenly his hands started shaking. I showed some concern, "Are you alright? What's happening? Here have some Coke. You must be dehydrated by alcohol. You'll feel good. Trust me." Arush was too drunk to understand. I offered him the Coke. He readily accepted it. He drank that in a gulp. He started talking gibberish & blabbed his heart out, "Oh Swara. You are a darling. Thank you. Hey by the way where's my darling? Oh, she's sleeping still. I love her so much you know. She's mine. I wish I could turn back the clock and bring the wheels of time to a stop. I don't want her to go. I will not let her go." He started walking towards the side of the bed where Ishika was supposed to be sleeping. My heart started pounding with the thought of him learning about Ishika's absence. It was as if the luck was by my side. As Arush was approaching the other side of the bed he stumbled upon the carpet & lay unconscious. I was terrified like hell. I went near him & nudged him hard, "Arush… Arush… Arush, are you alright?" Arush was already in a deep sleep. I slipped from his room & ran to my room to check on Ishika. I rang the doorbell. Ishika confirmed from inside, "Who's it?" I replied, "It's me, Swara. Open the door." As soon as she opened the door, she threw herself in my arms, "I'm so sorry Swara. I'm so sorry. I got us in such trouble. I didn't know he was such a psychopath." I consoled Ishika, "It's okay Ishika. Everything is under control, perhaps. The battle is just half won. Our flight is at 8 in the morning. And we have to survive till morning. I have to make a call to Mr. Pathak." Ishika took the lead to that, "Oh I made a call to Mr. Pathak already. We have to check out at 6:30 AM sharp & leave for the airport. So all of us need to gather near the reception at 6:00 AM sharp. And he has asked you to text him if you reach here safe & sound." I was surprised at this & relieved that Ishika is back to normal. I snapped out my phone and texted Mr. Pathak, "I’m back to my room safe & sound. Thank you so much for your kind support. See you tomorrow. Good night.” I turned to Ishika & found her tensed. I went up to her, "Relax Ishika. Everything is under control now that you are with me. Moreover, Arush won't be able to wake up until morning as he's drugged plus alcoholic. Go off to sleep. We don't have much time to sleep though." She nodded & hugged me tight, "Thank you so much Swara. What would I do without you! Good night! You too go off to sleep & stop worrying. I need some sleep, my head is throbbing." I asserted to her, "Yeah, I'm tired too. Let's sleep." Seeing me too tensed & stressed, Ishika quipped, "Hey you came empty-handed. You should have brought some food here if you guys were not planning to eat." I looked at her in astonishment & both of us burst out into laughter. And finally, we called it a night.

We were up by 5 AM, took shower, got dressed & were finishing our last-minute packing when the doorbell rang. Both of us gasped with fear. None of us moved to open the door fearing it might be Arush. The doorbell didn't stop ringing. Ishika gathered the courage to open the door. And to our relief, it was the bellboy, "Good morning ma'am! Is your luggage ready?" Ishika calmly replied, "Yes, indeed it is." We met Mr. Pathak at the reception. He greeted us warmly, "Good morning ladies! All good?" I declared, "Probably it seems to be." He consoled, "Don't worry we shall be out of here soon." Ishika asked concernedly, "But what about Arush then? We'll leave him here alone and go?" Mr. Pathak and I looked at her amazed. I retorted at her, "Are you kidding me? You are still concerned about that psychopath?" To this, Mr. Pathak responded, "I don't take responsibility for people who do not follow the schedule." He winked at us & left to fulfill other formalities.

Eventually, we reached Mumbai. As soon as we landed in Mumbai Mr. Pathak's phone rang. It was from the hotel staff. He talked with them in a very concerned way & hung up. I asked him, "Why did they call you?" Mr. Pathak replied, "You want to know, eh? It was for Arush. Some people from Harmony Rehab Centre had come looking out for Arush. They said this man had broken from the Rehab for three months & they have been searching for him till today." We were shocked to hear this. Ishika asked, "So did you tell them that he's lying in his room?" Mr. Pathak reciprocated, "I did. But they said he had already checked out before the Rehab people came looking for him." "What!?" snapped out a reply from us together. I retorted, "Where could he go?" Mr. Pathak replied, "Good Lord knows. Anyway, ladies see you around. Call me when you need to plan a trip in the future. Here's my card." He handed each one of us his business card, winked at us & left us in a state of shock. We looked at each other with concern & repeated, "Where could he go?"

This trip was unforgettable. We got into an unexpected adventure with an unexpected psychopath. Fortunately, Arush has yet not crossed our paths though many times I do encounter a similar figure as his, at the sight of which I scamper off, not wanting to give even the remotest chance of meeting him again. I don't wish to turn back the clock & ride those wheels of time again.


1 comment:

  1. Nice one madam.
    Many women like ishika in society falling into the wrong guy hands unfortunately. Hope they will find this story as a cautious for their life.



               "Get your hands off, of my makeup kit!" screeched Shahna, as she entered the room with two steaming cups of latte. ...