Saturday, October 24, 2020



             "Get your hands off, of my makeup kit!" screeched Shahna, as she entered the room with two steaming cups of latte. "Relax babe! I was just checking out!" replied Shreyas promptly while winding up the mess. "Honestly darling you need to upgrade your vanity. You are still using old school." Shahna mocked Shreyas, "Yeah? Why don't you buy me some new stuff from your stipend?" Shreyas immediately smothered her mouth so that she couldn't talk further & pleaded, "Sshh! Please keep that low. No one should know about it right now." Shahna, "Why don't you tell your parents about it? They have got the right to know it. I'm sure they'll understand." Shreyas raised his eyebrows in astonishment & laughed, "Understand! They'll be mad. All they care & worry about is their hypocritic reputation & their lavish lifestyle. They'll never understand. And promise me you shall never reveal it." Shahna pulled Shreyas in a tight hug & consoled, "Don't worry! Your secret is in safe hands!"

                “Oops!” came the prompt exclamation from Shahna’s mom, Mrs. Esha Mathur, when she entered the room. “I think I intervened at the wrong time!” “Maa!” exclaimed both the youngsters together. Mrs. Mathur smiled & informed, “Come your breakfast is ready!”

                Shahna Mathur & Shreyas Bhatia were best friends since childhood. That was because their fathers had been best friends since childhood & they had continued hanging out with each other for years. Shahna's parents were very cool & open-minded. Her mother was a lecturer while her father, Dr. Rakesh Mathur was an orthopedic surgeon & they were quite successful. On the other hand, Shreyas' mother, Amisha Khanna, was a socialist & his father Ashish Khanna was a big tycoon in real estate. As much as their backgrounds were contrary, their relations were equally close-knit. They were always a party. All of these situations made Shahna & Shreyas inseparable best friends. They shared tons of secrets. The biggest secret that they discovered was once when they had a crush on the same person on a trip who was a guy named Akash. Yes, you are on the right track, Shreyas was gay & only both of them knew it. Shahna never tried to make him feel low for his sexual orientation & that was what he loved about her. Shreyas had an immense interest in makeup & hence, he worked part-time with the city's best makeup artist. On the other hand, Shahna was career-oriented & had opted for being a physiotherapist.

                As soon as Shreyas reached home that afternoon, he got a call & answered, “Oh yes! I’ll be there! Don’t worry!” He rushed to his room, got dressed & realized that he forgot to borrow a lipstick from Shahna. He quietly sneaked into his mom’s room to find one. He opened his mother’s lavish vanity cupboard to see flocks of lipsticks, blushers, foundations & all kinds of makeup tools. Shreyas thought, “Now I know from where I get my love for make-up. Mom has a pretty good collection of lipsticks.” He picked up a brand new M.A.C. Relentlessly Red Retro Matte lipstick from the collection. His mother walked into the room just as he was about to apply her new lipstick. She was startled. He was startled. “What are you doing with my lipstick? It’s new. I haven’t used it so far. Couldn’t you have waited?” He smiled & laughed it back to her. “I forgot to tell you… I am playing Draupadi in our college production… Rehearsals start this evening.” His mother was amazed to hear this & retorted, "And why are you playing Draupadi?" Shreyas caught the confusion that was running in his mom's mind, "That's the punch, mom. Girls play male roles & boys play female roles. We are trying to be more creative this time. Anyway, I gotta go." And Shreyas escaped.

         Amisha got curious about the episode that happened the other day. A strange thought vented in her mind. She started probing her son's behavior every day. Though she never got full proof of her son being a homosexual from his behavior, she got worried. She proposed an idea of marriage to Ashish, "Why don't we get the kids engaged?" Ashish was astonished at this question, "Which kids?" Amisha replied, "Shahna & Shreyas! They are always together. Moreover, I really like that girl. She's smart & a very responsible girl, perfect for our son." Ashish was equally happy with the thought. He immediately called up the Mathurs & proposed this idea to them. Even they loved the proposal. Without telling the kids, they suddenly planned a weekend trip to a nearby resort. While they were having dinner, Ashish picked to expose the actual reason for the trip. "Kids we want you to get married." "What!?" exclaimed Shahna & Shreyas together. "Are you guys kidding us?" admonished Shreyas. Shahna retaliated, "We are not into any kind of affair. We are just friends. And…" Before she could complete, Shreyas gripped her hand tightly, "Wait Shahna we shouldn't react so hastily. We need to talk." He held her hand & pulled her out to the pool area. "What are you up to?" asked the perplexed woman. Shreyas replied with a grin on his face, "I think it is perfect." Shahna was shocked to hear these words, "What's perfect? You know you are gay. I am straight. We are best friends. And last but very important, I don't want to get married ever. So do you!" Shreyas delightfully convinced, "That's what makes this relationship perfect. I will never be able to get married to a girl who will understand me. I cannot marry a guy as per the Indian hypocrisy. You want to make a career & want to live a carefree & independent life. I'll give you that. Are you getting the point?" Shahna saw the twinkle in Shreyas' eyes.

                Shahna & Shreyas returned to the dinner table where their parents were seated, desperately waiting for their answer & to their greatest of happiness they said yes. Their only condition was to get married only after they finish their respective studies. Shreyas managed to convince his parents for completing a professional course in makeup artistry & Shahna completed her BPS. They decided to settle in Mumbai away from their families post marriage.


         "Dr. Shahna Mathur, you'll be late for work. Come quickly for your breakfast." Shreyas called out from the kitchen while making breakfast ready. Shahna hurriedly came out of the room with a briefcase in one hand & phone in another. "Thanks so much, Shreyas. I am damn hungry!" blurted Shahna while gulping down her breakfast. Shahna & Shreyas had been married for 2 years & were successful in their respective careers. Shreyas was a celebrity make-up artist & Shahna worked as a physiotherapist in an elite hospital where often she too came across celebrities. Their life was perfect with only one drawback in their life which was the sexual orientation. They were happy with their sexual partners but never a stable one, until one day Shahna bumped into someone.

         Adhiraj Kumar, a senior pharmacologist, had come for a CME (Continuing Medical Education) to neuro-physicians in their hospital. It was a short yet interesting meeting in the canteen where Shahna & Adhiraj broke into an argument over gays. 

Shahna was waiting for her car to return from valet when Adhiraj approached her “Excuse me! Are you interested in men or you know!?” enquired Adhiraj. Shahna examined the guy closely & smiled, “Well, I am sapiosexual.” Shahna winked at him & handed him her visiting card.

Shahna narrated the episode to Shreyas & both of them had a hearty laugh. "So what about your prosthetic makeup course? Any leads did you get?" enquired Shahna. Shreyas enthusiastically replied, "Oh yes! I was going to show you this." He showed her a clipping from a makeup artistry magazine about a basic prosthetic makeup course from an artist Michael Lobo from the same institute in California where he wished to go. "That's awesome! So when are you joining?" asked Shahna. "From tomorrow itself!" Shreyas promptly replied.

While Shreyas was busy with the prosthetics, Shahna's life had taken a turn. Shahna & Adhiraj started dating each other. Shahna had never thought she would fall for someone beyond a one-night stand. Shreyas sensed Shahna's growing interest in Adhiraj & hence he let her spend more of her free time with Adhiraj. Adhiraj never minded Shahna's wedding with Shreyas when he learnt that Shreyas & Shahna were best friends & that Shreyas was gay. As the days passed at the prosthetic make-up workshops, Shreyas realized his boss Michael Lobo was gay too, when Michael asked Shreyas for a dinner date together.

"Oh my my!" exclaimed Shahna, as soon as she entered Shreyas' room. "Someone's looking ravishing in a tuxedo. Where to?" Shreyas winked at Shahna & stated, "Dinner date, with my boss!" Shreyas saw his boss' growing interest in him. Michael gifted him the admission form from Cinema Makeup School, California which was the greatest gift of all. "Oh! I love it, Michael! Thank you so much!" gratified Shreyas with a lingering kiss over Michael. "That's the least I can do for you love! But you'll need to attend one outstation workshop with me to qualify the admission criteria. It's a two-day workshop in Goa. I have booked the tickets for us. Two-day work mode & the rest of the three-day vacation mode. Just you & me!" winked Michael & pulled Shreyas closer for a passionate smooch.

"Hey, I'm off to Goa next week, with my boss. A two-day workshop & then vacation for 3 days," winked Shreyas while breaking the news to Shahna at the breakfast table the next day. "Wow! Going a long way love! I'm so happy," stated Shahna happily. "And one more thing…" added Shreyas. He took out an envelope from his bag & handed it to Shahna. Shahna quickly opened the envelope & all she could do was scream at the top of her voice & dance around like a kid. That day Shahna & Shreyas celebrated the success in their old style - popcorns, movies, pizzas, beers & ice-creams for the whole day. They chose to spend time with each other sans their boyfriends.

Shahna kept a constant report of Shreyas in case their mothers called up. They had to be on the same page. Shahna was very happy for Shreyas. Finally, his dream was coming true. Shahna started looking out for fellowships & courses that she could do in California while Shreyas being busy with prosthetics. It was 3 days past the date when Shreyas was to return to Mumbai. Initially, she thought they would have extended their trip but no phone calls or texts from Shreyas for 3 long days made Shahna worried. "He'll be fine. Don't worry. There will be some change of plan. He's not a kid. He can take care of his own. Moreover, he's with his boyfriend cum boss. Just relax!" consoled Adhiraj while handing over the coffee to Shahna. Shahna could not hear a single word that Adhiraj spoke. All she was occupied with was Shreyas. She had this weird feeling of Shreyas being in danger & she couldn't concentrate. "Shahna, I'm talking to you. What are you up to?" called Adhiraj. Shahna was startled, "I'm sorry Adhiraj. I'm worried about Shreyas. He was complaining…" Before she could complete, Adhiraj stood up from the couch & hollered, "Just stop talking about your gay husband. Why don't you concentrate on me? We hadn't talked with each other properly for 3 days, nor had we made love." Shana got annoyed at those words & admonished, "Don't you dare talk to me like this. He is my best friend before being a husband. I can sacrifice a hundred Adhirajs for him." Without responding to what Shahna said, Adhiraj picked up his bag & stormed out of her house.

         "Hey Adhiraj, Shahna here. I'm sorry love to be so rude. Please call me back!" spoke the voice mail that Shahna might have sent maybe a hundred times. After not getting any response for the whole day, Shahna decided to surprise Adhiraj by taking a bottle of champagne & cake to his house. Shahna rang the doorbell several times but she couldn't get any response. She searched for the spare key which Adhiraj had the habit of hiding under the doormat. Shahna quietly opened the door to face silent darkness. She switched on the lights & headed straight into the kitchen. She planned to have a romantic candlelight dinner followed by passionate love-making.

All the preparations were done & Shahna was waiting for Adhiraj to return home. She was roaming around the house when she came across a room that headed to the basement. She couldn't stand her curiosity, hence she opened the door & went into the basement to face a secret workplace. There were various files & documents with diverse profiles pinned on the pin-board. She came across a folder labelled "Effects of Imipramine & other SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) over sexual orientation". And further, she read the names beneath - Adhiraj Kumar & Michael Lobo. The name Michael Lobo struck her like a sting. She quickly opened the folder. She found multiple profiles of people including Shreyas. To the greatest of her fears, she found that Shreyas was being drugged since a month. Suddenly, she started putting the pieces together. How Michael Lobo suddenly popped up as soon as she met Adhiraj!? His complaints of constant dizziness & lethargy, loss of libido towards his boyfriend...

 "Haven't anyone taught you, sneaking into someone's private property is bad manners, darling?" bellowed Adhiraj, which startled Shahna. "And haven't anyone taught you that sneaking into someone's personal life is a crime?" scorned Shahna. "Where is Shreyas, you scoundrel!?" "Relax babe! He is safe in our laboratory. But not anymore. He is of no use now. Moreover, he knows a lot about our secret laboratory & so do you. So I'm afraid love we will have to kill you!" Adhiraj spoke furtively & turned around to smash Shahna's head with the writing board in his hand. "AAGHH! I can't believe you are such an animal Adhiraj," spoke Shahna as she struggled to get up. But before she could get up, Ahiraj gave her another thrash. She struggled to crawl to save herself but Adhiraj did not stop for a second from beating her up. Shahna was crying with utter pain. Adhiraj leaned close enough to whisper, "Don't worry love, one dose shall make all your pains vanish forever, I promise." And he banged the back of her head.


         Shahna's eyes slowly opened in a dark room where she could hear a constant argument between two men. "It was your folly Adhiraj. Why did you let that stupid girl come close to you? We are exposed," criticized the other voice to Adhiraj. Adhiraj explained, "Not anymore. We just need to overdose them with anesthetics & sedatives & they are silent forever." Shahna struggled to get up to save her life as well as Shreyas'. But before she could save Shreyas she had to escape the trap. Shahna was in extreme pain she could hardly stand. She checked for her phone in her pocket but Adhiraj had already emptied her pockets. But Shahna's luck was powerful. She had worn a smartwatch from which she can at least call up emergency. She immediately dialed 100 & all she could speak was, "Help! Please help!" Before she could speak anything else, the door of the room flew open & she saw a figure approaching her. It was Michael. He thought Shahna was still unconscious. He picked her up. Shahna patiently waited for the moment when she could attack & she did, right at his masculinity. He was down with pain & all he could speak was, "Catch that bitch!" Shahna gathered all the strength & will power & ran towards the fuse board. As soon as she reached the fuse board, she removed all the fuses without knowing which fuses connect where, not that she even had the strength to do so. And "BANG", Shahna fell unconscious out of the loss of energy.



         "Are you alright madam?" enquired a nurse to Shahna. She found herself in a hospital ward with a constable, doctor & nurse surrounding her. "Where am I?" was her cliched question. "Madam, you are in a city hospital, fit & fine. We need your statement," stated the constable. The constable narrated the entire event to Shahna. "As soon as the police reached Adhiraj's place, they managed to escape. They investigated the entire place to find her & the secret laboratory. They rescued all the patients & shifted them to the same hospital for their treatment." Shahna got her statement recorded & filed a case against Adhiraj & Michael.

         After getting discharged from the city hospital, Shahna rushed to the ward where Shreyas was admitted. With the plaster in one hand, Shahna galloped to hug Shreyas tight. "I almost lost you!" cried Shahna. "But you haven't. I'm right here. You were the saviour," spoke Shreyas calmly. Shahna got the first appointment with the best psychiatrist in town. She narrated the entire event to the doctor & asked him to treat him to what he was before. The doctor was surprised at her demand which is otherwise the other way round from the other patient's relatives.


          "Why are you doing this?" asked Shreyas, while munching on the popcorn & seeing the movie, to Shahna. "Doing what?" asked the perplexed lady. Shreyas cleared her confusion, "Why are you getting me treated? Don't you wish me to be normal like others?" Shahna was silent. After a short pause, Shahna spoke, "Shreyas, have I ever questioned your sexual orientation? I love you beyond that. I love you for what you are. I love you to my life. I want my best friend back. It doesn't matter to me whether you are gay or not. I just love you." Shreyas hugged Shahna tightly which made his blood gush towards his manliness to devote his love to the one who loved him par his sexual orientation.


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               "Get your hands off, of my makeup kit!" screeched Shahna, as she entered the room with two steaming cups of latte. ...