Saturday, January 9, 2021



Abhimanyu, the eldest son of Arjun, was killed mercilessly by the Kauravas in the battle of Mahabharata while fighting himself out of the Chakravyuh. One of the people to get Abhimanyu killed by dirty tactics was Jayadratha, brother-in-law of Kauravas. After the brutal death of his dear son, Arjun was outraged and filled with vengeance. He vowed to kill Jayadratha before nightfall. On failing to do so, he would sacrifice himself in the fire. To save Jayadratha from being killed, Duryodhana, Dronacharya, Ashwathama, and many others kept Arjun busy battling them. Krishna realized that it was taking longer to battle each of them than anticipated. Arjun kept battling and defeating the Kauravas and his team till sundown to reach Jayadratha. Suddenly he realized that the sun was set and he couldn't kill Jayadratha according to the vow taken. He was a man of words. At nightfall, Jayadratha appeared in front of him to mock him. Arjun got down from his chariot to fulfill his vow. Kauravas lit the fire and compelled him to enter. Krishna did not want to sacrifice his dear friend Arjun like this. As soon as Arjun started walking towards the fire, Krishna revealed his trick. Krishna being a mastermind in playing tricks, couldn't stop time. He rather created a mirage of sunset by hiding the sun by Sudarshan Chakra. He moved his Sudarshan chakra and exposed the sun. Jayadrath ran to save his life when he realized that he was tricked. But before he or any other Kauravas could save him, Arjun had left the arrow from his bow to kill Jayadratha. Krishna warned Arjun about the boon bestowed upon Jayadratha, that whoever caused Jayadratha's head to fall on earth would get its head busted in 100 pieces. Arjun beheaded Jayadratha that fell into his father's lap, who was meditating for his victory on the outskirts of Kurukshetra. He opened his eyes to see Jayadratha's head and jumped with immense shock. Jayadrath's head fell to the ground. Consequently, Jayadrath's father's head burst into pieces. With a single arrow, Arjun killed both of his enemies. Thus Arjun's vow was saved by Krishna.


My point of view

            There are moments in life when you set up certain goals which you ought to achieve, or your life or career depends on that. However hard you try, you fail to achieve it, or it seems that you failed to achieve it. In which case, you tend to get depressed and compelled to surrender or quit and give up. But go back in time and analyse everything that you did to achieve your goal. If you know you gave your best shot, then all you need to have is faith and patience. Maybe the failure was a way of nature's communication to let you know that it's not the right time to attack. Or as Krishna saves Arjun by his misguiding tactic, nature might be playing a game to save you from a disaster so that you can resist the failures and attack post the depressing phase. Never lose faith in yourself. You control your success by putting immense faith in your ways to achieve it.

P.S.:- I have missed the in-depth details like with whom did Arjun fight exactly and its sequence of events purposely. The main aim for this post was to portray the situation and how we can learn or relate the situation in our life.



               "Get your hands off, of my makeup kit!" screeched Shahna, as she entered the room with two steaming cups of latte. ...