Saturday, December 5, 2020



"Hey beautiful, here's your coffee," said a loving voice as he approached the table where a pretty lass was seated with her books open. "Oh come on! Keep them off for a while Kiara," demanded Rajiv Joshi. Kiara smiled & put her books off on his loving boyfriend's demand. Kiara Kalra & Rajiv Joshi were the hottest & most envied couple of the Arts college. Kiara loved Rajiv so much that she never paid heed to others when they told her that he had been a casanova all his life & he won't be able to handle a commitment.

"My parents want to meet your parents & want to talk about us Rajiv," stated the beau. "Let's get hitched & plan our future together. What say!?" "I say yes… I'll tell my parents right away," agreed the felicitous boyfriend.

The old family meeting ritual was just a formality as both the parents knew that one day this had to be done. The date of engagement was decided right there. The couple was beaming with joy with the thought that they shall be hitched for life & that they can work together with all their life, wandering around the historical monuments.

The D-day approached like a blink of an eye. Since morning everyone was rushing into preparations & Kiara couldn't be happier. She was trying her outfit for the final time when her mom called her into their living room. She rushed down to face her future parents-in-law. "What is it mummyji? You are here to fetch me so early?" asked the excited bride. "Oh, dear! I hate to break this to you," said Mrs. Joshi in a low, embarrassed voice. She handed her a small note which read,

Dear Kiara,

I'm sorry I tried a lot to be happy with the setting but I can't give up my freedom. No hard feelings Kiara. I just cannot handle commitment. Hope you will be able to forgive. I'm really sorry to ditch you, my love.

                                                                                                 Love Rajiv. 💓


Kiara stood there confused. Confused whether all this was real or was it just one of her nightmares. She stood there silently & without uttering a word she went straight into her room.

"We are really embarrassed at this disrespectful behaviour of our son. We were really not expecting he would do that. Please forgive us for his hideous act," apologised Mr. Joshi to Mrs. & Mr. Kalra. The host accepted their apologies knowing that fighting won't make things right.

"I'm not sad that he left me mid-way. But I'm sad that he hid it from me. He could have told me once & I would have set him free myself," sobbed Kiara while hugging her dad tight. All he could do was to console her lovely daughter whom he hadn't seen upset ever in her life.


"I wonder you've still kept your ex-boyfriend's photo with you," said a concerned voice from behind as she saw Kiara with hers & Rajiv's photo in her hand. It was none other than Kiara's mom. It was five years since that incident took place yet it seemed only yesterday. Kiara was a well-known archaeologist with a masters degree in ancient history & runes. She wished to study world history & was packing off to St. Augustine, Florida for the same. "Is it necessary to run away like this?" asked the desperate mother. "I'm not running away mom. I told you I'm done wandering over here in India. I wanna explore the world. Now that I'm not committed to anyone which I do not even wish to, let me take an advantage," explained the girl. "She's right. Let her conquer the world," agreed Mr. Kalra to her loving daughter. "Live your dreams. But stay safe. Our blessings shall always be with you." And he handed her a chain of basil seeds with a small gold pendant with peacock feather carving over it. "What's this Dad?" asked the curious girl. "This will keep you safe & out of evil's eye. This is your grandmother's. She left it in my possession to gift you when the time was right. And not a better time than today."

As she was leaving, her parents could remember their late mother's last words, "This bird is born to fly & win deadly battles. Set her free."

Kiara got settled in St. Augustine like she hadn't in all these years in India. She got involved with the local history & after a year of a course she got a job as a lecturer in Flagler College in Public History department. St. Augustine became her home & for the first time in her life she wished to stay down at a place for a little longer. She was one of the favourites amongst all the lecturers. She found a place in the historical council in the city. There was something about the city that thrilled her. Two years in the city & she had measured each & every nook of the city out of her curiosity.

"Meet Mr. Daniel Wood. He's an aspiring writer & wish to weave a historical story in St. Augustine. He wishes to meet someone who is as crazy as him about exploring places. So I thought I should make him meet you. Who else could guide him better than you!" stated the over-excited Head of the Department to Kiara. Daniel was a tall, fair Englishman, with green eyes & brown straight hair. He was very charismatic. There was an instant connection between them. "Hello Mr. Wood. It would be my pleasure helping you with your work," reciprocated Kiara politely. Kiara always wore a smile on her face & people could always experience the warmth in her nature. There was something about Kiara that everyone got attracted to her. "Call me Daniel. I like it that way," demanded the gentleman.

Daniel was an all time companion with Kiara. Kiara had made many friends in the city but this one was different. Daniel was a quick learner & an enthusiast. Soon all the historical places were visited & discussed. Slowly the historical discussions started getting converted into personal ones. As good a learner he was, so was his charm. Months passed & Cupid's bow had struck their hearts.

"Will you be my Valentine tonight?" asked out Kiara to Daniel for a Valentine's day party in the college. "The pleasure shall be all mine!" agreed Daniel. It was exactly 12 noon & an alarm beeped on his wrist watch, "Excuse me! It's my lunch time. Shall I catch you in a bit?" "Umm.. Isn't it an hour early for that?," asked Kiara.

"Of course, I know. But I usually don't like changing my eating time. Old school types, you see."

"You are indeed old school types. But do you mind if we do lunch together?"

"Who would want to say no to such a beautiful company?"

"Great! Then I'll see you after the class?"

Kiara gave a blushing smile & left. Daniel waited for her in the college yard seated on a bench exactly in the middle of the direct sunlight.

"Hey you're sunbathing or what?" asked Kiara when she was out with her books.

"Somewhat! Just recharging myself in the lovely sun," Daniel smiled. "Let's proceed?"

They started walking towards the cafeteria. They would have been just few yards away & suddenly out of nowhere a man on a bike tried to snatch Kiara's purse but in a fraction of a minute Daniel caught hold of him & banged him down. Kiara was aghast. "How did you do that?" enquired the confused lass. "Nothing! Adrenaline rush with a trick of martial arts," explained Daniel in return. "Are you okay? Here's your bag." Kiara just nodded in affirmation still in confusion what she saw. The lunch date was ruined by that intervener. They couldn't talk a lot while having food.

Kiara wanted to divert her mind from whatever happened in the afternoon, so she decided​ to stay back after the hours & do some reading to lighten up. Basically she was avoiding Daniel. She realised that it was getting late & she needs to go back home. It was dark. She was walking towards the parking lot when she sensed that someone was following her. As soon as she turned back, there was no one. "Today had been the weirdest day," she thought to herself.

Kiara opened the door of her house & entered. The living room was all spruced up & there was some rattling in the kitchen. "Hello? Who's there?" Kiara asked out loud & clear. When she didn't get any answer she caught hold of the stainless steel vase on the shoe-cupboard & proceeded in the kitchen feeling courageous. She raised the vase to hit the person in the kitchen hard when he turned just at the spur of the moment. "Hey, it's me Daniel! Don't hit me please," pleaded Daniel. Kiara let out a sigh of relief & enquired, "Wait! How did you get in my house?"

"Oh! That was simple. I got your spare keys from the neighbourhood. Nice people," smiled Daniel & gave a peck on Kiara's cheek.

It was like a current that passed all over her body from a single peck. She was stunned for a moment & then recollected herself to complete the interrogations, "But how did she give you? She doesn't even know you."

"I compelled her," mocked Daniel.


"Kiara, I have prepared this dinner just for us. I know our lunch date was awkward but please don't ruin this dinner. It means a lot to me. Moreover I'm damn hungry. Please?"

"Cool. I'll just freshen up a bit."

In the meantime, Daniel set up the dinner table.

Daniel & Kiara were quietly having dinner while Daniel kept staring at Kiara & Kiara couldn't look up out of shyness. Finally she broke, "Stop staring me Daniel. It feels weird." "Weird? Or are you feeling shy?" flirted Daniel with those green eyes staring right into her brown eyes. Kiara couldn't speak a word. "You want to tell me something?" asked Daniel.

Kiara was confused whether she should discuss her past to him or not. But with the things that were starting to grow between them, she decided to reveal her past. She told him about her incomplete relationship & how she never looked back to it & just focussed on her future. Finally, Kiara had to reveal her feelings to him, "I didn't think I would ever fall in love again. I know that everyone says that after a heartbreak, but the difference is that I'm not heartbroken. I'm not cynical, or pessimistic, or sad. I'm just someone who once felt something bigger than anything else I had ever felt and when I lost it, I honestly believed I would never have that again. But... I was 22 then and life is long. And I'm feeling things right now that I haven't in a long, long time."

Daniel kept glaring at her while she was narrating her story. After she finished, she expected some words out of Daniel too. Probably she too wanted to hear the same thing from Daniel what she felt for him. Daniel stood up from his chair, came to Kiara & held her to stand up. Daniel leaned forward & a bit downwards & gave a lingering kiss on her pink lips. This time it was not just a small current but it was as if a wave of current had passed through Kiara's entire body.

"It felt awesome!" confessed Kiara. "So did I!" reverted Daniel. That day they celebrated their day of love.

"Hey Kia, have a look at this," said Daniel while handing out an old piece of parchment to Kiara. "What's this?" asked Kiara.

"I thought you could yield me some answers. I want you to decipher it."

"It's some kind of a map. Where did you find those? Generally such maps were used by pirates who in the history of this city came here to loot the treasures of the noblemen."

"What is this symbol right here in the middle of the map?"

 "Woah..!! That's just not a normal symbol. It's The Squared Circle, which means its a symbol of a philosopher's stone. The alchemists used it to make the elixir of life. According to this map there is a philosopher's stone hidden here."

She was keenly observing the map when she noticed the making of the map & it struck her, "Oh my gosh! This map is of ancient St. Augustine. But definitely not in the town. It's somewhere in the outskirts."

"Are you sure?" enquired the excited writer.

"I'm more than sure. I have been living here for two years & I know each & every corner of this place. Do you think this might still be there?"

"Why don't we go & explore it? It would become our outdoor trip for a change. Even if we don't find it, we'll at least have each other. What say?"

"I say… Yess!!! I'd love to explore. Not that I'm expecting anything more than lying corpses."

"What makes you say that?"

"Look." She showed her the current map with the reference of the parchment. "If you see here, this is the exact location where we have to go. It's just a mile outside the town, and it's an old hidden cemetery in the woods."

"You do know your city very well!" appreciated the young man. As he was about to stand up, a big rusted bolt hurt him deep enough to tear his skin & bleed.

"Hey I'll get the first aid. You are bleeding." Kiara stood up to fetch the first-aid box but Daniel caught hold of her hand & stopped.

"No I'm not. See!" And he showed her his clean palm.

"I swear I saw you bleed," said Kiara in a confused tone.

"You must be hallucinating. Don't think so much. I'll pick you up tomorrow sharp at 8:00 A.M.," demanded Daniel.

The couple geared up for their small adventurous trip not with the excitement that they would find some alchemist's special stone but with the excitement of being with each other. Daniel stopped the car right at the beginning of the woods. The location was right in the middle of the woods. They started walking with the game of flirting each other.

"I really wonder when was the last time I was feeling like this. Thanks for making me feel so wonderful," raved Kiara.

"Trust me.. The pleasure is all mine!" winked Daniel. "And here we are at our destination."

They came face to face with an old ruined monument with an underground cellar. They proceeded inside to find a hidden room. They further explored the place & to their astonishment they saw a rusty & dusty small trunk surrounded by nothing but poisonous flora. Daniel went towards it to fetch it when Kiara stopped him, "Wait! Don't touch! This must be poisonous. Trust me the next thing you would be doing is lying in an I.C.U. St. Augustine woods are full of such poisonous flora."

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen."

Daniel proceeded & removed the poisonous creepers from the trunk. But as soon as he touched the trunk he was taken aback by the current that he felt. He demanded Kiara to try & take it as he had already removed the creepers. Kiara was reluctant to touch after what she saw, but she was courageous enough to face the consequences. She could easily touch the trunk to her astonishment. She took the trunk in her hands & opened it. There was a parchment rolled which read, 'Use it wisely!' There was a muslin bag, which Kiara opened. She was holding an orangish-red crystal with abrasive surface. She was stunned, "This actually looks like a Philosopher's stone."

"This is a Philosopher's stone girl. Now hand it to us," demanded a hoarse voice from behind. And with sudden swish Kiara & Daniel were surrounded by four fierce looking men.

"No. I won't. This is a historical property & it needs to be preserved. I'll hand it to the historical council. Who do you think you are to demand me?" Kiara showed the courage to fight.

"Give it to them Kiara," demanded Daniel while looking straight into her eyes to compel her.

"No. I won't. This doesn't belong to them. Moreover they could misuse this, which I cannot let happen," rebelled Kiara.

Daniel couldn't believe that Kiara was beyond his compulsion.

One of the man struck a dart which got straight onto her neck beneath the right ear. She fell down. Daniel saw this & he got angry. He finally got out his fierce fangs & with a blink of an eye he ripped all of them dead. That was the last thing that Kiara saw before shutting down her eyes.

Daniel bit his wrist & let out the blood. He opened Kiara's mouth & fed her. Kiara was struck by a poisonous dart which could paralyse her body. But with intake of Daniel's blood she survived the poison. She opened her eyes after a few minutes & realised what had just happened. She bolted up to say, "You're a vampire?" Shock as well as fear reflected in her voice. Daniel simply laughed over her folly & said, "You watch a lot of vampire flicks don't you? I won't hurt you. I am a Reverse Dhampir."

Kiara gave a confused look. Daniel continued, "I don't survive on blood, instead I feed over plant's chlorophyll & gain strength from sunlight. And I was biologically born by mating of a reverse vampire with a human. So I'm called a Reverse Dhampir. I was on a mission to target you to find this stone & hand them. Those were Demi-demons. Only a pure soul can find the stone & gain it."

"Then, why did you save me?"

"Because I LOVE YOU. And I want to be with you forever."

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